Lets get acquainted

Father, Son, Author, Coach, Consultant, Speaker & Leader
About MeGet Started
I am Kevin Bowser. I am a father & a son. I am an author & a speaker. I am a coach & a consultant. I am a leader.

Kevin is the husband of a beautiful and amazing woman. He is the father of two amazing children and father-in-law to an equally amazing daughter-in-law. He is “Papa” to three of the smartest and cutest kids on the planet.

He is a prolific writer and blogger on the topics of leadership, leadership development, mentoring, organizational change, emotional intelligence, and young leaders. He speaks to many groups on these topics as well as on specific topics for men, husbands, and fathers. He is a gifted communicator and has the ability to weave humor and truth together in a very unique way.

Kevin has spent his entire adult life working in various leadership positions in non-profit and ministry-oriented organizations. He has served on boards and leadership teams overseeing local churches, daycare centers, and college extension campuses. Kevin is also a solid leadership and management professional with more than 35 years of leadership experience at all levels of business and the supply chain lifecycle.

He is an average golfer, a much better photographer, and a great storyteller.

You can find most of his older articles on http://leadershipvoices.com and more of his newer articles related to his latest book on http://emotionallyagileleader.com

How Kevin Can Help

The Emotionally Agile Leader

We live in a chaotic world. Some of us are called to leadership positions in the midst of that chaos. How will we act and react? The leaders who will succeed in these times are the ones who are emotionally agile. That is the basis for The Emotionally Agile Leader.


1-on-1 coaching is available on several topics. The most requested coaching is for personalized Emotional Intelligence Coaching and Emotional Agility Coaching. Conflict Resolution, Non-Profit Leadership, and several other coaching engagements are possible.


Many years of stage acting, professional speaking and high visibility presentations have made Kevin a much sought after speaker. He speaks on EI/EQ, Emotional Agility, Communications, Youth Leadership, Moving from Vision to Action, Legacy Leadership, and several other great keynotes.


Consulting often precedes and sometimes follows individual coaching. Many leaders experience great benefits from coaching or mentoring and they want their organizations to experience that as well. This is a natural addition to the coaching and mentoring.

More Books

Kevin is a prolific writer. He has several other books available for free via NoiseTrade. And he has several more currently in development.

By The Numbers


Organizations Helped



Entrepreneurs Mentored

Get In Touch

I would really like to get to know you better. So, let’s connect via the contact form below. Just click this button and jump to that form. And, rest assured, we hate spam as much as you do and we will not spam you or sell your contact information. We want to treat you as friends and family.

My Books

Leadership is more of a journey than it is a destination. And here are a few resources to help you at various points on your journey.  Some of these resources are free of charge. Click the image of the book and get your copy today.

The Emotionally
Agile Leader
Moving From
Vision to Action

My Newest Book

In The Emotionally Agile Leader, I draw from more than 35 years of leadership experience to teach readers:

  • The means to identify the emotions that drive behaviors
  • Tools to harness the key emotions that affect leadership abilities
  • Core habits to sharpen leadership skills
  • The methodology to create more emotionally agile leaders through mentorship

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Kevin Bowser

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